There are a couple months in the year that I celebrated just because I was done with another semester. In December of 2010 I was finished with my first year back in school and getting ready to start my last semester at Collin College in January of 2011. These two status posts pretty much sum it up, "Is soon to be back among the living- yay! last final today- whoohooooo!!!! To celebrate I'm taking my darling loves of my life to dinner and looking at the Christmas lights after putting up our tree... maybe even making cookies! yay, yay, yay!!! Happy day, y'all! " Followed by, "I'm on the way to Comaland which is about 24 minutes north of Bequietimsleepingville, which is right outside of the village of Setthealarm. Nite y'all... zzzzz"
Looking back, I really had no idea how tired I could get. Two years later doing the same routine, maxing out all that I had to give- wow, it's a miracle that I'm sitting here typing!
In the single adults, we helped provide Christmas to many of the families and held a dance where there was mistletoe. Jeff and I said, "yes please." :)))
Because Taylor was heading to school in Utah, we packed up the bags and headed there for Christmas. This status tells of the family party, "Tonight is the BIG family party being kicked off with a family portrait, followed by dinner, crafts, treats, music and lots of fun/laughter :) My kids arrived safely yesterday and we will all be together again for the first time in two years- what a VERY Merry Christmas, indeed!" Yes, I'm the one with a mouth large enough to land a plane into... I love these people.
We visited the Carl Bloch exhibit at the BYU Museum. I wrote this, "I really did not expect the Carl Bloch exhibit to bring out so much emotion from me- this was an amazing, sacred experience and to all of my friends within the Utah area- this is a MUST see! His paintings of the Savior were divinely inspired and the stories behind the work are enlightening."
Jeff and I were able to spend a day together while I was visiting Utah because he was there doing the same thing with his family. We spent the day touring SLC- my camera in tow.
That evening we went to see Temple Square and the lights, followed by meeting his mom and sister for dinner. It was nice to meet them- they were/are both so nice and welcoming.
A friend posted this quote on my wall, "Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when you hang up on him, who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat, or will stay awake just to watch you sleep... wait for the boy who kisses your forehead, who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats, who holds your h and in front of his friends, who thinks you're just as pretty without make-up on. One who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky he is to have you... The one who turns to his friends and say, 'that's her.'"
I didn't know it then, but I had found him...
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