Sunday, February 1, 2009

such a FUN thing!

tonight i received a phone call from a strange number- ringing in from california. i answered and was blown away to learn that a family from tay's mission had called me to talk about tay!

they had just had our elder and elder murley over to a lasagna dinner (per the boys request) and when it became time to go (they were supporting another companionships baptism tonight), bro. krause told the elders that if they wanted, he would call and talk to their families after they left for the baptism. :) :) :) :)

how fun is that?!?

what a sweet man bro krause was to think to do that. so- he mentioned (and i have to paraphrase because of my silly emotional memory) what a good elder tay was... how he could really see how tay would be flying after the awesome training he was getting from elder murley...what a great team they awesome in general tay is, (and during the convo bro. krauses 15 year old daughter was being silly in the background)and that the boys worked hard and were impressive. he seemed to really enjoy our tay- and the family has had them over for dinner 3 times already. he also spoke of their tight ward, and how they really cared and looked out for their missionaries. the krause family has an elder in idaho, 5 months now.

it's just such good karma...and loving thy neighbor...!

i'm feeding our missionaries on the 18th of this month- and really looking forward to it!

okay- so i finally posted some pics to go with our 'big' ice storm. it doesn't look in the least bit dangerous to me. all my friends took their kids out to the malls and such... i mean, what do you think?

there were more accidents than they could count from this. oh well! the funniest part of all is that this was just last tues and wed. and then on fri we were back to 70's and enjoying gorgeous weather yesterday and today, too !!!!

a note to's never to late to stop in and leave a comment. i LOVE to hear from you!


Mustang Suzie said...

Well, how fun is that! What a nice thing to happen. I think that is a definite advantage of stateside missions--feeling way more in touch. I can just imagine Taylor just like he described him.

Thanks for the ice photos too. I think the difference between why precip turns to ice instead of snow is that it turns to ice because of the quick change in temperature from warm to cold. Snow is produced from a more gradual change. At least--that's what I think. :-)

joana said...

you must be so proud of your elder! how sweet of that man to call you:)
(btw...i'm as confused as you about these texas ice storms, i actually looked it up and did a post on it. check it out, it might answer some questions:)

Wrangler Ron said...

Well, if that doesn't bust your buttons I'm not sure what will. :-)

It just proves once again what we already knew, that's one special young man that you are blessed to call your son.

And, although we've only seen glimples of it at this point, that Em is equally impressive.

You have two outstanding children. What better blessing could you ask for?

Love ya.

Tami said...

How fun! I had a missionary ask me to call his mom. It was so much fun!

BJ said...

That's really cool. Sounds like he is doing great out there.