Monday, February 9, 2009

great things...

sometimes i feel that i really have to sift through my days to find good happenings.

this week has been that- even so, i feel gratitude.

saturday was my last day at elm fork. i could rattle off many reasons for this- but i would like to leave it with that simple statement.

sunday i went to church and was so uplifted by the meetings! we had a welcome home talk by kyle t*. what a great kid! he gave an outstanding talk and i really just couldn't help but look at him and think of my tay and feel such love for these young men who are giving their hearts daily to the Lord- regardless of how their hearts are being received by the people they seek. it's such a lesson to me- and a reminder to me that i can do better!

i then went on to teach my sunday school class. we had all of kyle t*'s cousins join in with kyle's sister in my class- which made it HUGE. additionally, we had a investigator come for her second week. it made for a challenge- especially teaching about the Holy Ghost.

thankfully, i felt guided in my approach and was able to bring their focus in to the Spirit. it felt successful, and was confirmed as i overheard my investigator (kadee) tell her missionaries that she had a great class. the timing was there, so i walked over and hugged her letting her know that i'm open to answering any questions she may have as i teach.

and, a fun thing too! all of those t* kids are distant relatives! we shared that together and the experience helped us all bond together.

i already love that class.

yesterday evening the adult singles had a dinner and fireside with our area 70 speaking, Elder Martino. i had the pleasure of sitting in on a talk before and very much enjoyed the company of my single friends followed by his inspiring talk.

tomorrow i look forward to hearing from tay. it's all i think about starting the sunday before. :)

i'm going to visit the family that he asked me to go see tomorrow, being that they have not contacted me. pray for a good outcome!

thank you to my friends and family... your love and support mean everything to me and our little family!


Mustang Suzie said...

Just want to say I love you, Rhonda! You are a sweetie and with time I'm sure you'll feel that things always work out for the best.

I think of Taylor's emails too--always thinking about Tuesdays!
Glad you had such a great Sunday. That's what it's really all about. Good luck with the family tomorrow. I'll be in touch soon.

Dani said...

It's Tuesday!! It's Tuesday!! Yea!! Sorry to hear about Elm Fork, but I'm glad that your Sunday helped to lift your spirits! And now that it's TUESDAY... I hope that helps even more! Love you Rhonda. Good luck visiting that family.

Wrangler Ron said...

Wow, what a Sunday. Obviously a very special SS class. How are things going with the young investigator? If she keeps coming to your class I'm sure it will help her develop a testimony. Wouldn't that be cool.
Did you find out how Kyle and his family are related?
I too think about Taylor almost every day and look forward to reading his next email. I sure enjoyed the letter that he sent us. The boy is very impressive!
He seemed to transition into missionary work so easily and has developed as a missionary much faster than I would have ever imagined. We're all very proud of him and it is obvious that he developed a close relationship with the Spirit.