Saturday, May 31, 2008

Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!!!

from where i stand- there's a bit of luck, a lot of hard work, lots of laughs and blessings, too. in the end, you have 5 children and a bunch of grandchildren that honor your name.

Congrats on one more year of adventure and happiness.

love you bunches!!!


Mustang Suzie said...

Thanks a bunch Miss Rhonda! Dad and I went out to eat today at Olive Garden. It was very nice. We also got some work done (that felt good) and did some shopping and educating ourselves about home theater options. We were going to see "Indy" but decided to go Monday night. Just plain ran out of time. Funny thing, Dad has been called to teach the marriage class in Sunday School and the first lesson is tomorrow--on our anniversary! So I got treated REALLY nice today :-)!!

Dani said...

Love the fun picture!! What a great looking couple!

Wrangler Ron said...

Thank you, Rhonda. It's hard to believe how the time has past. We have loved the journey and look forward to more more adventures and laughs.

Utah Dancer said...

I love the sparkles! So cute!