Saturday, March 28, 2009

Earth Hour

i had heard about this earlier in the year- and after talking to a family member (who shall remain anonymous) who said that earth hour was already past, i felt a bit defeated that EH had come and gone without much notice by the news...and people i know.

said anonymous person was (fortunately) wrong!

EH is: 8:30PM local time, wherever you live on planet earth. Saturday 28 March 2009!

i'm a little late to declare- i doubt my little post will inform the masses...but- if you do read this? turn your lights off at 8:30pm. leave them off for one hour. light a candle and contemplate...and play! what an opportunity for us to be aware and grateful for what we have and this beautiful world that gives us so much.

we should give back so much more. it's one little thing. can you do it?


Mustang Suzie said...

Okay. The "anonymous" person knows why she said what she said. We have had a couple of lights out days in Utah already. One was last fall. So, the anonymous person wasn't completely wrong--we just didn't have a world wide event!

Dad and I were invited to dinner by the guy that baptized me that I haven't seen since 1967--at their house! So we did have lights on there but since we were not at home, we didn't have anything on.
Hope this effort by so many does make a difference.

Dani said...

We weren't home during earth hour, so our lights were off. We were in the car probably most of that hour! A little better planning next time on our part and we can make it a fun experience!