Friday, April 25, 2008

ah, hail

i'm in the throws of hail damage... to my car, my home's roof and some siding, too.

the car has been checked off the list~

state farm has drive in productions to estimate damage; they concluded that i needed 3k worth of repairs.

i then found a place that estimated lower and i took it. (of course i dropped that i work with the city... and that i'm a single mom...) i hoped that all of this would work for me, and i believe it did.

my car looks great- they are detailing it next weekend, too, annnnnd i was asked out for an italian dinner. (they took out all the little dings, too)

all this to turn around and turn my car in to pro care collision to replace my back bumper. i backed out of sonic with my .32 ice water and rear ended another gal who was parked.

two rear bumpers cost $1200.

my deductible is $100.

and then there's my roof- and the siding- to the tune of about$5200. after my deductible.

my insurance company in one week has paid out around $9400.

no one there has asked me out to dinner. lol


Wrangler Ron said...

This story might leave one to believe that you have a rain cloud hanging over your head and the lightening just keeps striking. Good grief. What next?
I hope calmer days are in store for you. And I'm very glad that you are a survivor of great magnitude. Kind of like the unsinkable Molly Brown.

Wrangler Ron said...

You have wonderful and amazing friends that allow you the opportunity to learn much about their culture. And the Jewish culture is rich with tradition and symbolisms.
Thanks for the receipe. I'll see if Mom is up to giving it a try. I'm certainly willing to consume my share.

Mustang Suzie said...

Wow--lots of expense! I hope they don't raise your rates!! Glad your car is back and good as new. I also enjoyed very much your information about the Jewish tradition. I am just here getting ready for the shower for Rochelle tomorrow and I know Dani is getting ready for Kimmy's baptism tomorrow too. It's been a crazy busy week and I'll enjoy a nap Sunday. Maybe I will even blog then too. Love you, Rhonda. Thanks too for the recipes. We'll have to try some of that.

Dani said...

Yikes! What a bummer! Darn the hail and darn how much things cost! Thank heavens for insurance and for kind people who like to ask pretty girls to go get Italian! LOL!

rochelle said...

Oh my goodness! Good thing you have car insurance! That must have been some hail...