Saturday, May 9, 2009

to all the moms


...ran their kids to school (in their pjs) and then had to get out of the car
...are the big jokes when playing video games with the kids
...get everyone to church on time but then notice that they forgot to put a bra on
...who tried healthy new recipies (lima bean casserole) that never really were meant to be eaten
...cried every first day of school
...hunted over the holidays for the most sought after toy
...took too many photos for one occasion and didn't get any of another
...stayed up all night for:
...a costume
...or a science fair report
...or to clean a house
...or care for a sick child
...or because they were pregnant
...or from worry

to all the moms who...

...couldn't decide if it was a laugh or cry moment
...that made impossibilities, possible.
...bit their tongues
...cried in the bathroom
...cheered louder than the rest
...drove endless miles
...who sat in principal chairs
...who sat in doctors offices
...and hospital rooms
...and by gravesides.

to all the moms that i've watched, and learned from, and felt loved by- to those that have loved my children, my loved ones, and those that will someday be part of my family-

i love you! i'm grateful for you! Happy Mother's Day! :)

three generations


Mustang Suzie said...

Very touching, Rhonda. The one about the bra really happened to me. I had forgotten about it! Made me think of multiple other occasions too. I wish for every child to have a Mom like this. Love you and hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day too. You are a great Mom. :-)

rhondas view said...

most of these happened to me- or i was close by when it happened to someone in our family. so many more things could have been included but, it was just the 'feel' of being a mother. add your own!

for the moms who... (YOU fill in the blank!)

Dani said...

Beautiful, Rhonda. You had me laughing and crying! Love it and love you!!

Tami said...

What a sweet tribute! You are a wonderful mom and I hope you had a fabulous mother's day and an amazing phone call! Thank you for all the many ways you have touched me through your example and friendship!

rochelle said...

hear hear! What would we do without our mothers? And being a mother- worth all of those things! It sure gives me more appreciation for what my mother and other mothers ahead of me have been through.

joana said...

oh that made me cry it was so sweet. you have an amazing ability to so eloquently express yourself. you should write a book. and i love the three generations picture...all three of you are just beautiful!

Utah Dancer said...

Not sure if this was the laugh or cry moment, so I did both!