Sunday, September 14, 2008

our run-in with ike

after all of the big build up- ike moved up texas to the east of us. we experienced wind and rain (that would come with any storm) and it was actually just very pleasant.

i'm sad for the many who had the real terror of the storm. tomorrow i'm stopping in at the city to see what the outlook is of the evacuees there.

remember these people in your prayers!


Mustang Suzie said...

Well, we are HAPPY that Ike was a "pleasant experience" for you. Dad and I were glued to the television watching the events unfold. Dad has two of his team members out there to cover the humanitarian efforts. If they get their info back soon enough, there may be an article in next Sunday's Church News about it. Also, there is a possibility that Dad MAY come out to do more follow-up. Anyway, glad you are all okay and good for you to be concerned about the others. Hope you get your rec room back soon!

Wedding Information said...

Glad you are all okay! So sad about all the people who
had and still will have a hard time. It is so nice of you to see about the evacuees.

Dani said...

I'm glad that it wasn't a problem for you! We had someone in our ward yesterday who was visiting from Houston to escape the whole thing. I have been thinking about all of those people and they will remain in my prayers!

Utah Dancer said...

will do. So glad the storm passed quietly for you. Love you!!