Sunday, June 29, 2008


Dani 'tagged' me and i promptly ignored it.

then mom and candice did theirs... and after reading the three- i decided to quit being such a stooge and to make myself think this out:

3 joys: people working together- giving their hearts to a common goal/cause; being in nature with my camera; my children.

3 fears: participating in a triathlon; ruining something that is priceless; dad and mom being chased by a bear.

3 goals: to raise my children in love and faith; to improve upon my talents and passions; to get to the most amazing places on the earth with my camera.

3 current obsessions/collections: i love reading to the point that it takes over my life; learning everything i can about photo taking and photoshop; living life to the fullest.

3 random surprising facts about yourself: i don't know about three of these- but this single one will cause a stir...: i was asked out by four different black men in the past 2-3 weeks- and i accepted one. we went to dinner at a very nice seafood/steak restaurant and had a great time!

tag 3: i won't send this one on- you can thank me later!


Mustang Suzie said...

Rhonda, you are SO funny! Didn't cause a stir with me. After spending a week in your schedule (be it that you were not even going at full capacity), I wish you relaxing, fun times with good people--whatever their color. More important is their hearts and minds. Love you, Mom (Now certain older generations of family may not agree :-)!)Mom

Dani said...

Yea!! Now don't be surprised if I tag you again in the future... because this was FUN to read!! Can I join you on a few of those photo joys, goals, and obsessions? Also, no stir here either, but you DO make me laugh! :-)

Utah Dancer said...

Yes, I agree. You will be tagged again, Miss Dashwood!

rochelle said...

I think these kinds of "tags" are more interesting to read than the ones that just have you write numerous unrelated things about yourself. I just caught up on reading your recent blogs. Wow, it sure sounds like you have been busy! I hear that we will be seeing you soon- can't wait!