***The following exchanges below are included to explain my picture***
Dear Bro. Truman M***,
I thought you might like a copy of these photos- i know our family will treasure them!
It was a day to remember, being at Carthage once again. Years ago my grandparents were assigned as missionaries to Carthage, and served faithfully and with all their hearts because they love our Savior and they love Brother Joseph.
Having my son with me this time made this occasion even more tender to our family. And then your group walked up and asked to join in.
My father, Ron T***, loves church history. He'll read a book on Joseph over anything but the scriptures. Last year we even read 'Rough Stone Rolling'. But you should know that my dad knew you from across the courtyard because he is such a fan of your work on the Prophet Joseph. You can't imagine the treat it is for him to share that he had the pleasure of meeting you and spending time at Carthage with you and your friends.
Speaking of your friends, you travel with some mighty fine men, don't you?!? how fun it was to get to know them a bit! (and for dad to meet up with Les again)
It was a blessing to our family to hear your thoughts and testimonies- and i wanted to express gratitude for sharing and being so affable with us.
Please forward these photos, if you will, to Bro. G*** and Bro. M***.
Warmest Regards,
Rhonda B***
**********I thought you might like a copy of these photos- i know our family will treasure them!
It was a day to remember, being at Carthage once again. Years ago my grandparents were assigned as missionaries to Carthage, and served faithfully and with all their hearts because they love our Savior and they love Brother Joseph.
Having my son with me this time made this occasion even more tender to our family. And then your group walked up and asked to join in.
My father, Ron T***, loves church history. He'll read a book on Joseph over anything but the scriptures. Last year we even read 'Rough Stone Rolling'. But you should know that my dad knew you from across the courtyard because he is such a fan of your work on the Prophet Joseph. You can't imagine the treat it is for him to share that he had the pleasure of meeting you and spending time at Carthage with you and your friends.
Speaking of your friends, you travel with some mighty fine men, don't you?!? how fun it was to get to know them a bit! (and for dad to meet up with Les again)
It was a blessing to our family to hear your thoughts and testimonies- and i wanted to express gratitude for sharing and being so affable with us.
Please forward these photos, if you will, to Bro. G*** and Bro. M***.
Warmest Regards,
Rhonda B***
Dear Rhonda:
A delight to hear from you. And the brethren will cherish the photos. We had no camera along. In two hours we leave for the holy land. We are making a series of DVD's on the life of the Savior.
We are grateful for your encouraging words, your dedicated spirit, and the high privilege of being with you on sacred ground.
Blessings, TGM
*****When we met these men it was a wonderful surprise to our day. Bro Bob G*** happened to mention that his new business partner, Steve Y***, was supposed to have been traveling with the group- but stayed home to attend to his wife's broken wrist.
i snapped my fingers and showed my genuine dismay for the missed opportunity. :(
Bob then asked if i was a fan... to which i replied, with my ever enthusiastic "since high school!"
He then told me he'd get me an autographed football or photo from Steve. He took every contact info i could think of- lol
and then weeks passed by...
the above emails took place when i sent Bro. TGM a copy of the pics we took at Carthage of our group.
and then yesterday- i came home to a package from the Forever Young Foundation. Inside was the above football.
i was alone. Happy Dance!!!! Happy Dance!!!! who do i call????
so i called mom and dad and they made me promise to post this.
oh- inside the box a card was included:
"Ms. B***,
On behalf of Bob G** and Truman M***, we would like to give you this autographed Steve Y*** Football.
Best Wishes,
Stephanie (who is his event person for the foundation)
She included her card with her cell number hand written upon it.
so today... happy dance!!!! :)
A great conclusion to a marvelous experience! So glad they followed through for you. We are down here in Arizona enjoying out visit with Mom and Dad who say to tell you hello. Love You, Mom
Rhonda, only you could have engineered this amazing series of events. And what a great friend you now have with TGM as well as with both Bob G and Les M. I had the opportunity to visit for a few minutes with Bob and Les this past Monday and they were still excited about the meeting we had with them and the special spirit we all shared together. I don't think they will forget the experience any more than we will. And you now have a special trophey to remind you of that day every time you look at it. And, if Steve ever gets the opportunity I'm sure he'd welcome the opportunity to meet with you too. I think you would both get a good laugh out of it.
I've enjoyed several good laughs and many smiles as I have thought about this. So now I will add my own happy dance.
Much love.
Wow, Rhonda. That's pretty cool. Somehow you always have the most interesting things happen to you!
Awesome!! Kirk and I just finished watching his Sacred Ground DVD's. How neat to be there with him!! I'm so glad that they remembered to send you that football. Let's all happy dance!!
wow!!! You are awesome!! wonderful experience and momento (if you really can call it that--it is more!)
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