the answer is: the recreation center.
when the mandatory word came out- that certain areas had to evacuate, my little world became involved.
my school was to begin this week- but the Red Cross came in and took over the facility.
apparently- where ever the Red Cross is- they have the right of way. everyone and thing else is put on hold.
at first i felt a bit inconvenienced. i mean- this is my living and having it happen the first week of school meant a certain loss of income- and how much exactly could be disastrous.
but... i went on tues, what was supposed to be our first day. i wanted to catch any parents and children that happened to show up so that we could explain the situation.
and that did happen- but more than that...
i brought my camera and while i was there, i walked around talking to the people that were there. many had left the building to go to parks, or look around, many even went to walmart. (100 people had been checked in)
going in meant, first, going through the security set up. people were being checked with a wand, searching for weapons. not me- the police officer waived me on because i was carrying my camera. (i was secretly disappointed :)
the Red Cross volunteers were all over me quick- telling me that i could not take any pics without gaining permission first. i assured them that in no way would i be intrusive.
and then i went about taking a few pics and meeting the rec's temporary residents.
the first shots of the man be wanded- i took without permission from the policeman, but did get from the guy. after i showed the pic to the officer, he said sure- that at that angle his protective vest didn't make hime look too much bigger than he was. what a hoot!
the pic of the girl in front of the cot filled gym was very happy to pose for me. her mom said it was her baby girl- the 8th of eight girls.
the pic of the two boys (giving me their best boyz in the hood look)was easily obtained too. and when i got attitude in the first shot- i told them that i wasn't impressed and wanted the real them. that got me bigger and more relaxed grins. we became 'cool' with each other immediately.
and if you notice in the background of the third pic of the teen boys, there is an older man watching- i helped him out.
many of the residents had heard that our local CCA was handing out gas and food vouchers to those who evacuated. one poor guy had tried to find the place 3 times and hadn't. so i told him i'd be happy to lead him there- if he wanted to follow me.
he had the most incredulous look on his face- and had to clarify, "really?" (i'm going to add here- my g/friend darlene k. was with me for most of this. she's awesome!)
and after he checked a couple of more times with me and after i eventually convinced him that i really did want to help, he asked me to 'wait just three minutes' while he ran inside to take care of something.
while i was waiting, i sat down and talked to two elderly women. one of these women is in my slide show with her son and the child. i talked a little about where they were from, and asked how things were at the rec for them- and if they needed anything that wasn't being provided. the older lady in the picture was quick in her response, 'pampers'.
i wasn't sure i heard right. i mean, i've heard of depends and pampers- but not pampers for adults. she assured me it was pampers- that inside they had small pampers, but not large- and she needed large pampers.
i promised her that i'd round some up and then left with my CCA follower, driving behind.
at about 30 miles per hour, in a 40 that most people drive 45 in. lol. i slowed waaay down and led him on.
we got there and i went inside to inquire about the vouchers so that i could better help. i got him settled and went on to walmart for my purchase.
the elderly ladies were grateful for the purchase and while i was sitting with them it was mentioned that the baby was cute. that was when we found out that the elderly lady was the child's great-great grandma. the man was her son, and the baby was his great: 5 generations!
i then asked for a picture.
i wanted them to have a copy of the pic- they seemed so excited just to see it on the screen. but i could tell that they didn't have email- so i asked about one of the daughters- and it was thought that one of them might- so i gave them my email. we will see!
today i went back- and although i didn't have to buy any pampers, i did take more people over to the CCA. They, too, drove verrrry slow... is this a south thing???
This morning they were down to 25 people- and it looks as if we will have our school going again on Monday.
i'm very thankful that we've averted disasters such as these- and i'm grateful that Gustav didnt come in stronger than a category 2.
it's another day down- and i'm getting up at 5:30 these days for em's seminary: ouch!!!
but i'm kind of excited, too. i learned today that a secret service team in dallas is coming out to elm fork. i wonder if, when pres. bush is past pres. bush, if he'll ever come out?!?
fun stuff! g'nite!